Thursday, October 7, 2010

Opinions Needed

This year, Halloween is on a Sunday.  So are we going trick or treating on Sunday?  Is it going to be changed to Saturday?  I don't want my kids to miss out on trick or treating, but it doesn't fit in the "Appropriate Activities for Sunday" category.  If it's on Sunday it would be really lame to have the whole neighborhood out, but my kids can't go.  Yes, our ward is having a Trunk-or-treat night, but I think those are so lame.  It takes away the whole fun of going door to door.  Trunk to trunk just isn't fun.

So what do you think?  I really need some ideas on how this holiday should be handled.


Meichelle said...

I am having this same conversation in my head! I can't decide what is right to do! I will watch the comments to see if anyone else has some wonderful advice!
(if we were in the utah/idaho area, i think it would be different, because nearly everyone is LDS, so of course it would be on saturday, BUT we both live in different parts of the country, where, at least my town, sunday doesn't mean much. The 4th of july was celebrated on sunday as well.)

Tiffany Fackrell said...

ahh i haven't even thought that far ahead. i hate halloween as it is...maybe this is a good excuse to skip it all together! HA

i do remember growing up in moses lake just an hour from here we did it on saturday...we'll have to keep checking the newspaper when it gets closer. i guess we could just go to ward members homes. i rather just go to the trunk or treat and not have to go door to door...but that is my grouch on halloween attitude!!

Christina said...

I think that the saying, be in the world and not of the world should help you out with your decision...well that and the question is candy and costumes really worth breaking the commandments over, since your struggle seems to be between doing what your religion asks and doing what the world is doing. Just a thought. I may be a prude, but I am a prude of many blessings :D

Mark and Jana said...

I really don't see what is wrong with it. You are just visiting houses and receiving candy. What is the difference of going to visit family members or friends? That's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree that trick-or-treating isn't really an appropriate Sunday activity. You could go to the trunk or treat on Saturday, then have your own Halloween party at home. It's tons of fun to have your kids help decorate and make easy finger foods. You could play games like bobbing for apples, donut on a string, and other kids' games. Your kids would have so much fun that they would be excited for Halloween to fall on Sunday.

Rev. Richard Thornburgh said...

Just a comment from a passing stranger arriving here via the "Next Blog" link ....

How about celebrating Sunday on the Saturday? That way Sunday would be free. After all, it's surely the principle of a "day of rest" from usual activities/interests that is important rather than any sacred superstition about a particular day of the week. Many people who work on a Sunday make their faith observances on another weekday - thus effectively transferring their Sunday. Why not do the same for this particular event?