Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The First Day

I will go back later and review some happenings in the past, but for today I will only write about today.

Today I chose a headstone for my baby. Something I never imagined doing, so I had to think about this for a while. What do you put on a slab of rock about a baby that you never really knew? I didn't want it to be cutesy but I also didn't want it to be formal. I think it will be just right. We are putting Austin's picture on it (which costs $500 for that alone). There are two other small images on it, but if you want to know what they are you will have to go visit him at the cemetary in two months and see it for yourselves. Headstones cost ALOT. More than the funeral and the cemetary plot combined. Our heads are spinning slightly from the price, but I wanted it done exactly the way I wanted it. This is a lasting tribute to my son and also one of the extremely few things I can do for him. It's terrible that everything costs.

I might like this blogging. Sometimes I don't feel heard, so this might be a way to feel that maybe someone might be listening.


tharker said...

I'm so happy that you were able to have what you want on Austin's headstone. I would love to go visit his gravesite and see the tribute to him. I have no doubt it will be beautiful.

I think you'll be surprised by just how many people are listening to you. My very favorite thing about blogging is the connection that I feel with other women.

meohmyers said...

Ditto. You'll feel such a support system in such a short time through blogging. Inspiration, a listening ear, advice, etc. is all just a click away. I love it.

I, too, would love to visit Ausin's gravesite and see how you've honored him. That's really terrible how expensive everything is.

Megan said...

I am glad that I found you. I never really get to see you or visit anymore.
I am glad that the headstone will be the way you want it. I will have to go over sometime to see.

PRP said...

I'm listening!

And I think it's great that you got Austin's headstone just as you wanted it. You will always feel happy that you made that choice and it will be worth it every time you visit him.

Kate said...

I am glad you got the headstone you wanted :)
Welcome to the blogging world! I definately feel that I have made more friends in the area just through a little blog its great :)

Vanessa said...

Andrea! I'm so happy you've started a blog! Austin's headstone sounds so beautiful and appropriate. You need the perfect headstone for your perfect son.

::lindsay said...

Hey, Andrea! I agree with everyone else. You have a bigger support system than you realize. I'll always lend a listening ear...

I'm so glad you were able to get the headstone exactly how you wanted it. I'm so sorry it was so expensive though.

Stacia said...

Hi Andrea! I think a blog will be so great for you. I find it's easier to write about things than talk to some people, since you don't know if they are comfortable with what you want to remember or talk about.

I am glad you were able to get a headstone for your sweet baby. I know for me, you want to be able to honor them and care for them. And it's hard to find ways to do that.

emahaf said...

Hey Andrea, I loved your blog, it is so hard to make things the way you would like especially with the cost, Keep your head up and realize that their are many people out their for you.

AOlson said...

My ears are open Andrea! I too am happy that you were able to make the headstone exactly as you wanted it. It's too bad though how expensive they are. You definately will be surprised as to how many people will hear you through blogging.

Heather said...

See, you have lots of people reading already.

I agree with everyone else. It's a shame it was so expensive, but in the end you will be happy with a headstone that is perfect.

Cindy said...

"What? Andrea has a blog? Really?" I said to myself. I think I just asked you a couple of weeks ago when you were going to start one. I am so glad you are doing this. Everyone needs to feel connected to the people who love them, to be able to share their lives and I hope you find that connection and openness here.