Friday, August 29, 2008

To those with babies

Okay, so now I've been thinking that maybe some people might be uneasy about seeing me after reading my blog. Because I am so sad about my baby and write very candidly about my emotions I thought someone might not want to talk to me in person if they have a new baby. Yes, seeing new babies does make me sad, but it also doesn't help for me to pretend they don't exist. So if you have a new baby, please, you can talk to me!! I'll pay more attention to you than to your baby but please don't avoid me.


Ms. Kristen said...

Yeah! I am excited that you have a blog. It is a way to get things off your chest! I will always listen!
You are awesome! I will never forget your beautiful testimony you shared!

tharker said...

I think it's great that you are being so open Andrea. I think it will help you and others to not feel awkward when you are talking.

I don't know about other people, but I never know what is exactly the right thing to say when someone is grieving. But I want you to know that while I am here to listen and offer a shoulder should you need one.

::lindsay said...

I've really enjoyed reading all your posts, Andrea. Thanks so much for sharing.

I agree with Tiffani. Sometimes I feel like I don't know exactly what to say. I hope you know that you have a huge support system to draw from. I would love to lend a listening ear or if you ever need anything, please let me know.

Piano Gal Val said...

Andrea - I am so glad you have started blogging because I have been looking for it! I wanted to talk to you since I heard from your family of your loss of baby Austin. I want you to know you have been in my thoughts and prayers - for several weeks now. After my mom died I remember you coming over and giving me a book - do you remember? The book - such a simple one - brought me so much comfort. Thank you for caring. I can relate to the emptiness you feel right now and I want you to know that I am here to talk to please call or email. Your blog is so profound and I admire your strength and honesty. Grief is very hard. I love you Andrea - your family is beatiful, your girls are darling, and I am sure baby Austin was perfect. Hope to talk to you soon, Valerie