Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas, Christmas Time Was Here

Now I'd better post about it before it's next year....

Colby got a battery powered four-wheeler.  The coolest gift ever.

Our nativity scene.  Colby actually left his headpiece on for the entire story.

Funny sidestory: we have a motion sensor snowman that talks and plays music when you walk by.  I turned it around so the kids wouldn't set it off when they walked by for the navitity.  Nicole stood behind it to take pictures and every time her camera flashed the snowman would go off.

 What good is a big present?  To eat breakfast on, of course!

Dresses I made for my girls.  This was the easiest fabric I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

 Now Clay has Ticket To Ride USA, Europe, and Germany.

And what did I get for Christmas?  Well, it's the exact same watch I got last year.  Only this one won't get lost.  I promise.

1 comment:

tharker said...

Love the videos! Colby looks like he loves it!!

Those dresses are beautiful, Andrea! You are so talented.

Hooray for a new watch! Keep that baby on or locked up from tiny little fingers ;)