Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Your Attention Please!!

Hello.  My name is Andrea Hayes and I am known as unapproachable.

I had a great talk with a friend a while back and she revealed this about me.  Okay, I thought. Something to improve on.

Last night I went to a great party and at the end I was talking with a great group of gals and I mentioned what my friend had said and  apparently everyone still thinks this about me.  "I always think you are mad at me."  "You look like you don't want to be talked to."  Well, no wonder I don't have many friends!  Of course losing a child and going through the mourning process for two years will put a damper on my face.  Of course I haven't been smiling!  I was sad, people!!!

But that I still look like this bugs me.  Because I am not mourning anymore. I am finding happiness in life again.  Too bad my face doesn't show it.  So this is something to work on.

So, for the record, I AM approachable!!  I consider myself a friendly person and once I get to know you and feel comfortable around you, my funny personality will show.  Please give me a chance!  Please talk to me and say hello to me.  Really, I am a nice person.

(Disclaimer:  I am also shy and hate to be rejected so may not always approach you first.   Also, I may be in a bad mood depending on what events occurred on any given day, but usually get over it with friendly conversation.)


tharker said...

Do you know what I love most about you, Andrea? You are 100% you all of the time. And since I love YOU and not someone I think you should be or some way that I think you should can have whatever face on at any moment.

If you're having a bad day, it's OKAY to be in a grumpy mood. Likewise, if you're feeling happy, it's okay to show that too! I wish that we (people in general) wouldn't put so much pressure on each other.

Obviously, I can't understand exactly how you felt after losing Austin. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to find your footing in a ward like ours with a constant stream of babies.

I think you're doing beautifully and I love you!

Heather said...

I love seeing your smile! I hope you show it as often as you can. (i understand we all have bad days and smiling 24-7 is not healthy or realistic, but if you're feeling good let the world know) love you, friend!