Monday, November 9, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Halloween pictures in November? Sure!
We were in Idaho two weeks ago and the girls were able to spend time with their cousin, Grace. Here are the kiddos posing for a halloween pic while I take the picture with my flash off. Nice.

My cousin had identical twin boys just a week before we went. The girls didn't have to wait for a turn to hold a baby; there was one for each of them! I had to wait for my turn, though.

Whoa!! Who's that huge baby in the center? Having Colby next to brand new newborns is a harsh reminder that he is getting bigger!

Colby and Clay match. Didn't do it on purpose, but thought it was cute.

Both of my sister-in-laws on my side of the family are expecting boys!!! I'm so excited that Colby will have some boy cousins to play with that will be close to his age. Fun times for the future!


Tyler and Caryn said...

The Halloween pictures are cute! I'm glad that you got the picture of Colby with the twins, because when we were at Mom's house she had accidently deleted it. That's funny there were three girls in a row and now four boys in a row in our family! It'll be fun to get them together!

Anonymous said...

Will you email me a copy of your kids with the twins? Like Caryn said, it some how got deleted off of my camera. I'll send you my pictures of the Halloween kids. Maybe they are a little bit better.
Love, Mom

tharker said...

Wow, Colby does look SO big next to those tiny babies! It's not right. Tell him to stop growing, please!!

Love the dad/son matching outfit ;)

Shellie said...

That picture of Clay and Colby is adorable. Excited to see you guys this weekend!

Amy said...

Colby looks gigantic next to the twins!

And he looks so handsome in his little outfit.