Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Oh My Goodness!!!! How hard is it to get a stupid headstone done? We have most of the design done, we just wanted to change a couple things. It's really hard to get your idea across when you're dealing with an 80 year old man who's deaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Michelle said...

You don't have to stay with the company!! We left behind our first try to go with a better company because of similar frustrations.
I HIGHLY recommend Thompson Monuments. Their designer worked with me for weeks over email, and was very detail-oriented. Very EASY to work with!
And it turned out beautiful. I have nothing but good to say about the company.
There are pictures of Benjamin's on this post, in case you are interested. . . .

tharker said...

Sounds incredibly frustrating! Good luck with everything.

::lindsay said...

How frustrating! I hope you can get it squared away soon!

I'm so glad that you will be able to get the headstone done and get the beautiful necklace. I was so happy to be able to serve at the dinner and be a part of this wonderful benefit. Just know how much we all love and care about you!