Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crazy Kid

Has this ever happened to you?

I made spaghetti for dinner tonight, something we eat frequently. The whole time I was cooking Savannah kept whining about how she doesn't like spaghetti and she won't eat it. At the table she sat on her plate and was still complaining so I asked her what she would like for dinner tomorrow. She answered with soup. Okay, I'll make soup tomorrow. Clay asked if we had any Cup of Noodles that she could have right then. So Savannah got one and Clay started making it for her.

Savannah sat back at the table with us and asked, "Can I have spaghetti while I wait for my soup to be done?"

That's a big fat NO!


tharker said...


Did she really sit on her plate?

Amy said...

hahahaha..... that's funny!
hey, at least you can say that you made a "real meal". (by Jeremy's standards...)

Janna G said...

what a stinker! It is a good thing she is so darn cute.