Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Six Months

I don't understand the passing of time. The thought of six months since I held my precious baby makes me think different things. It doesn't seem to be that long ago. I can close my eyes and see evey detail of Austin's face, remember how soft his skin felt. I remember the sorrow and anguish I felt when he was born not breathing. I vividly remember how I felt that a piece of my soul was being torn from me when he was taken from my arms. I also vividly remember the feelings of peace and love I felt at both those times. And yet six months feels like a long time. How long it was since I last held him, how long since I looked on his face. I feel like so many things have changed in this time, especially me, but, really, is it only six months? How can time keep passing and I sometimes feel that I am standing still?

Six months since my child was placed in this box. I can't even describe the feeling of seeing my son in a box having a lid placed on top. It was so final. This little casket holds my beautiful baby boy. I pray that it will keep him and protect him.

Austin, I miss you so much. I long to have you with me and our family. I long to see what you would look like now, to see your personality. I know you are in our Heavenly Father's care. I know you have a special mission, and that you are too precious to be in this earth. I am grateful to have my own personal angel helping to guide me home. I pray that I can do what I need to so I will be able to be with you again. Please watch over our family. I love you.


Melissa said...

Time is a tricky thing. It seems to always be both our best friend and our greatest enemy. This is a lovely tribute to your little one.

tharker said...

Thinking of you today.

Amy said...

That was beautiful. I'm so sorry for all you've had to go through. I love you, and I am glad to have you for a friend. I've been thinking about you today.

River said...

I love you. I hope I can make it in March. I talked to Janna today. I'll fill you in. I miss you a ton. And I know this would be the perfect time to see one another again. I miss you. And have so much gratitude that I am blessed to have you as my friend. I love you.

::lindsay said...

Beautifully written, Andrea. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Janna G said...

Love you!

meohmyers said...

This was a beautifully written post. Made me all teary! I love the last paragraph. Helps put this life into perspective for all of us. I appreciate your strength and tenderness and hope you have a good day today.