Thursday, February 19, 2009



I carried you in hope,
the long nine months of my term,
often felt you kick and move
as slowly you grew within me,
wondered what you would look like
when your wet head emerged,
and at that glad moment
I should hear your birth cry,
and I welcoming you
with all you needed of warmth and food;
we had a home waiting for you.

After my strong laborings,
sweat cold on my limbs,
my small cries merging with the summer air
you came. You did not cry.
You did not breathe.
We had not expected this;
It seems your birth had no meaning,
or had you rejected us?

They will say that you did not live,
register you as stillborn.
But you lived for me all that time
in the dark chamber of my womb,
and when I think of you now,
perfect in your little death,
I know that you are born still,
I shall carry you with me forever,
my child, you were always mine,
you are mine now.

by Leonard Clark

I did our taxes this week and while we are getting a nice refund it was an annoying task. Obviously I cannot claim Austin but it bugged me that his name couldn't be on there with his sisters. It bugged me that I was missing out on a child deduction. But what really bothered me is that I can't deduct funeral expenses. There are a myriad of things that are deductible but you can't deduct the cost of burying a child. Irritating!!!!

It's amazing how society can just turn their face from my sorrow. How quickly people forget or want to forget that something horrible happened to my family. We are expected to go on like normal. I am still trying to find a new normal. I have been changed so much but I am expected to act like I used to. Some people get uncomfortable when I talk about my baby but I WILL talk about him! I will not let him be forgotten! He is so much a part of me; if anyone wants to know me, then they will know him and know that he exists. He DOES exist! I do have a son!


Shaunie said...

I just want you to know that I love you and I pray for you and your cute family! Congrats on being pregnant :)

Shaunie said...

I just want you to know that I love you and I pray for you and your cute family! Congrats on being pregnant :)

Heather said...

I'm surprised by the taxes.

I don't think anyone intends to "forget" Austin because he is and will always be a part of you and your family. Keeping his memory close is important, and you are doing a great job.

Vanessa said...

That poem was really fitting. I am sorry that you feel like people are forgetting Austin. I have not forgotten him and I still think about him often.

You are a wonderful mother and Austin, Savannah, and Dakotah are blessed to have you.

tharker said...

I also don't think that people want to forget Austin, but unfortunately, through tragedy or joy, life marches forward whether we're ready for it or not.

That doesn't mean that anyone has forgotten him or you and what you're going through. We love you, Andrea and we are here to help you carry this pain. You don't have to do it alone.

Talk about Austin as much as you need to. He is your son and you love him. Keeping his memory alive will help you feel close to him until that wonderful day comes that you will be able to hold him in your arms again!

Michelle said...

I felt the exact same way when I did last year's taxes. It still felt wrong this year when listing my dependents.
I am grateful to know that Austin was real and that he did live and that he was beautiful. No matter what the govt says, you have a son!