Saturday, April 11, 2009

A good day

Yesterday was 10 months since Austin was born. I never know how my emotions will be until the day comes. I had a hard time on Wednesday and Thursday. A few things caused sadness for me. So on Friday I wondered how the day would be, but it was a good day. Janna brought me beautiful flowers and even visited Austin's grave. We're into bird poop season so she cleaned off his headstone so it won't be too messy when we visit tomorrow. It made me happy that she was thinking of him and showed her love for us.

I also had a doctor's appt yesterday that went well. I have four weeks to go until Colby's arrival. I am measuring big but that's okay since he'll be coming four weeks early. So every week now I have two non-stress tests and an ultrasound plus dr's appt. They will just be looking for anything out of the ordinary. Mostly it's for my (and Dr. M's) peace of mind. Then at week four he will check to see if Colby's lungs are developed enough. Are you ready to read how they do that? They stick a needle in my stomach through the baby's sac and pull out some of the fluid surrounding baby. Doesn't sound fun but it's necessary. I asked Dr. M if it was like popping a balloon, if it would pop the sac, but he reassured me that it wouldn't. They can tell by testing the fluid if Colby's lungs are ready. If they are, I'll be induced a couple days later. If they're not, I'll be induced a week later.

So every Tuesday and Friday I'll be at the Dr's for half the day. I'll do what it takes to have this baby come out alive and healthy!


tharker said...

I meant to call you yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to do it, yesterday was a bit overwhelming for me. But I still should have taken a minute to call you.

I can't believe it's only 4 more weeks until we get to meet little Colby! I had lots of non-stress tests when I was pregnant with Jake. They are VERY boring, but it is so nice to be able to know that your baby is doing well, so the boredom is totally worth it!

I also had an amnio done when I was pregnant with Josh. They basically do the same thing as what they will do to test Colby's lungs. It's a little nerve wracking seeing that needle. I too wondered if it would pop the amniotic sac, but they are very skilled. They will do a great job.

4 more weeks!!!!

Michelle said...

What a sweet friend, to clean off the headstone for you!!
I am glad to read of what precautions your doctor is taking this time. I plan to insist on many of the same if they are not offered. Non-stress tests are fun, I think. I had some with my 2nd baby because he was two weeks past due and I was trying to not have to be induced. . . They gave me a soda, and I got to sit in a recliner and watch tv.
The needle in the stomach thing doesn't sound so fun, but like you said, whatever it takes! I know you'd do way more than that to bring Austin back if you could.
I'm so glad you're this close to bringing Colby home.

Amy said...

Wow, what a crazy process! Good luck with that!
That was so sweet of Janna! She is such a good friend to you.
I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. I am always worried about you and how you are feeling whenever it is the 10th.
I still pray for you everyday that everything will turn out the way it should this time.

John & Sarah said...

We had to do the twice weekly appointments too. At first I thought it was a big inconvenience but it turned out to be really nice to be able to see Andy each time in the ultrasound. They also watched him "breathing" as part of the utlrasound which was very reassuring. They way you describe the test to see if his lungs are ready sounds just like an amnio test. As long as you watch the ultrasound monitor and not them sticking the needle in, it's not too bad. I also thought it was nice being induced. It took away the stress of not knowing when the party would start and having to be ready weeks in advance just in case.Call me if you want to hear more details about what it was like for us.

Heather said...

That's so sweet of Janna, such a great way to show her love for you and Austin. I'm thinking of you.

Vanessa said...

I was thinking of you and Austin and wondering how you were doing. Let me know if Savannah and Dakotah need somewhere to go during your Dr.'s appointments. It will be nice for you to get to see little Colby so often! You are such a good mom. It's obvious that you love your kids so much and would do anything for them. Oh, and you're a good friend too :)

Megan said...

i am glad to hear that little colby is doing well and you are hanging in there.
four more weeks is great news!