Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's amazing what happens in life. This last week has been very difficult. I had a couple of upsets, a couple of unwanted opinions, and was very discouraged. I didn't answer my phone and mostly stayed home feeling very sorry for myself. I hate when I feel like this, but also feel like I deserve to wallow in self-pity for a while. (Thanks to my friends who put up with me during these times and wait it out.)

Saturday I was starting to feel better. I went to the Relief Society Broadcast and was awed by President Uchdorf's talk. I needed to hear him speak at exactly that time. I now feel there is hope, there is a way to do better, that I will see sunlight again. I need to be reminded, but I am taking what he said to heart. He was speaking to me. I was amazed by how everything applied to me.

Also, Cindy and Karen Sharp, Thanks for the unwanted advice. I don't nessesarily agree, but I've been thinking about it so that's something. Cindy, thank you so much for your strength. Even when I'm angry at you I can feel you holding me up.

Janna, thanks for your unwavering support. I know you are a true, precious friend because you are still with me after all I have put you through. We have rough times ahead but I know we will be okay.

Thanks to all who read this and leave such thoughtful comments. I appreciate and value all of them. They often give me something to think about. I feel such tremendous support, but still don't be scared to call me. I don't write all on my blog :)


Amy said...

I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Thank you for taking me with you yesterday. I love you and I am here for you.

meohmyers said...

I'm so glad you've got such a great support system. Good friends are priceless.

The RS broadcast was full of great talks, wasn't it? I loved President Uchtdorf's talk as well. I'm also so glad you feel hope. You're in my constant prayers.

tharker said...

I too loved President Uchtdorf's talk. There were parts where I knew that those words were for me. Isn't it amazing how we can each feel like the speaker is speaking directly to us isn't it?

I'm so glad that you are feeling like there is hope. You are strong Andrea, and you can get through this.

emahaf said...

I am really glad that you are feeling a little better, I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom. I do not get to see my mom very often and so whenever she comes up here I feel better, there is just something about having your mom to be there for you that lifts your spirts.

Janna G said...

You know you can always count on me. You can't drive me away that easily. love you

Melissa said...

Its good to hear that you can feel the sun again. Sometimes things just hit our of no where, but the Lord will always send a source of comfort.


Melissa said...
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Michelle said...

I'm so glad your mom is coming!!!

Vanessa said...

I am so happy that you found comfort. I can't wait until General Conference next weekend!