Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Neighbor

The house next door to us is a rental so we've stopped trying to meet all who move in. (I know, poor attitude.) The people who live there now have been there probably since the beginning of the year and I met the husband a month ago. He was outside watering his lawn while I was shucking corn so I was friendly and started a conversation. He's really nice. He's hispanic so I had to concentrate to understand him. Anyway, I asked him how many kids he had and he told me about two kids and their ages and then he says, "We just lost a baby last month that died before it was born." Imagine now the total look of shock that I had on my face!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't believe it! I guess the wife had placenta previa. They lost their boy in July at 36 or 37 weeks. Can you believe that someone right next door had a stillborn baby almost exactly a month after me?? It's so bizarre. And the worst thing about it is that the wife doesn't speak English so I can't even talk to her!!! What are the chances?


River said...

oh my. That is amazing. I got goosebumps. I hope you can just give her a big hug.

tharker said...

Wow. What are the odds?

meohmyers said...

Oh my goodness. Find a way to communicate with her. She probably needs you as much as you need her. That is pretty incredible.

AOlson said...

Wow, what a coincidence! I agree with Kim. Find a way to reach out. It will be good for both of you I think.

Janna G said...

I think that you should at least write her a not that her husband can translate for her.

Heather said...

Wow, this could be a good opportunity for you. Although, it would be a little easier if she spoke english, but you'll figure it out.

Melissa said...

My stake president has often been heard to say that the Lord always has the right person in the right place at the right time. Maybe this is your time.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Wow, this is unbelievable. Hugs are the universal language, she'll understand that.

Ms. Kristen said...

What women in our ward speaks spanish? I know Jessica C. went to Italy? This could be a great missionary experience! You should set that up!

PRP said...

That is amazing. I agree with everyone else-find a way to reach out. I bet you'll both find amazing comfort in one another.

::lindsay said...

Wow! It really is a small world. I agree with the others--you should communicate with her. She may not have the same support system that you have and so she may really need you.