Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today was Dakotah's first day of ballet. She is adorable. You could tell that she has done it before compared to some other little girls in her class. But all I could think was, "I'm just sitting here. This is too easy. I should have a baby to take care of. It's just too easy."

I'm very thankful for my little spitball Dakotah. She keeps me on my toes with her energy. She keeps my mind from wandering too far into sorrow. I love her so much. I'm so thankful for my two healthy little girls. They are growing up too fast. Tomorrow Dakotah starts preschool. What will I do by myself?? Okay, I have plenty of things in mind to do. Let's see if any of them get done!

Gotta go!! Kotah wants to play wii!


tharker said...

I love Dakotah's spunky side too. Both of your girls are so sweet Andrea.

Heather said...

Oh Wii... sounds like fun. We do a lot of that around here!