Monday, September 29, 2008

The Power of Pokemon

Who is Pokemon?? I didn't care until Logan started getting Pokemon cards for getting ready well for school every morning. Then my daughter decided that she wants Pokemon. What? You don't even know what it is!! She was having fits to get her own cards so I told her she can earn them the same way Logan does. Get ready for school without mom having to get mean. Guess what? It works. Both my girls get ready mostly by themselves every school morning so they can choose a Pokemon card. Does anyone else have girls that want these cards? I think it's insane, I made them buy their own cards, but if they are going to get ready easier I guess it's okay. I wonder how long it will work???????????


Amy said...

How funny! No Pokemon desires at this house yet. But apparently it's only a matter of time...

tharker said...

Spencer found these girly horse trading cards for Hannah next to the Pokemon cards. Maybe they'll like those too.

Great job to the girls for making your mornings easier though!

Alicia Leppert said...

I don't think it's the appeal of the actual cards themselves as much as it is the "peer pressure" for lack of a better term. My son has no idea what Pokemon is, but has seen older boys be way into them and therefore, is way into them. But he is a boy. That's so funny that your girls love them!

Meichelle said...

Thats so fun!!! Whatever works, right?

Ms. Kristen said...

Wow! I will have to try that!
YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!! Have fun with your mom!