Thursday, March 12, 2009

Article in paper

There was an article in today's paper that has some statistics about stillbirths. Click here if you are interested.


Melissa said...

That is an interesting article. Wouldn't it be a miracle if we could gain a better understanding of why stillbirth happens. I can only imagine that one of the most difficult aspects is the unanswered question of "what happened??"

Hope your day is going well!

Michelle said...

Awesome. I love that this painful, real topic of stillbirth is becoming more talked about. I believe that the more people know about it, the more compassion and understanding they can have towards those who experience it.
That statistic about African American women suffering double the stillbirths that others do blew me away. I had no idea.
Reading that age, high blood pressure, obesity, etc, cause a higher risk just made me shake my head. I didn't have any of those risk factors.
I will never know why Benjamin's cord had two tight knots. But at least I know Heavenly Father could have saved him if that was His plan.